417-413-7861   [email protected]

Our Story

It all started in 2019 after a passing comment to Amanda, “what would you think of buying an RV and starting a traveling business?” Her reply was a resounding “NO”. That was until about 6 weeks later when she said to me, “I think you might be right, I hear God telling us travel”  I worked as an instructor pilot training professional pilots and owner pilots to fly a small jet made by Embraer. I wasn’t particularly happy but I did enjoy teaching. I figured it would be great to teach people one-on-one in their own airplane. So we made the decision to dig a little deeper.

That is when things got real. I mean how do you just quit your job with no promise of income. While having a family of 5, a mortgage, and now adding an RV and Truck Payment? This is crazy!!! So, I started having a REAL conversation with God. “If this is your will, I need clarity and confirmation.” He asked me, “Do you trust me?” My reply was, “yes of course.” However, He continued asking me the same question over and over. I finally gave Him an honest answer, “No”. I mean I trusted His Word, His protection but when it came to provisions, I relied on what I was able to do. I knew I had the skills to provide for my family and I took pride in that. When I told God, “No, I trust in the things I can do,’ and asked Him, “how can I quit when I am the sole provider for my family.” He quickly reminded me, “Son, you are not the provider, you are only a steward of the provisions I provide.” That was my wake up call. He lovingly told me If I wanted to learn how to trust Him fully, He would teach me. He knew I struggled with trust and control. 

Well, I began my trust journey with God by turning in my notice of resignation in Jan of 2020. During the last week I was teaching, a student came up to me privately and asked if I would be willing to come train him in his new Jet. I mean seriously? Can you get any clearer than that? This was exactly what I was looking for. I though, “God, you are making this super easy.” So we hauled off to Florida on Feb 20th, 2020 to pick up his new jet and fly it to Tennessee. We then drove the RV up to Tennessee and stayed there for about 6 weeks. Then the world changed. COVID-19 struck the world and everything shut down. I couldn’t find any work. I started stressing but we had enough money from the Tennessee job to make it a while so we decided to travel to Missouri. We ended up in Phillipsburg, Missouri. While we were there I felt led to start a bible study but was nervous. I had never taught the Bible before. To make a long story short, I finally submitted and God moved. The first bible study I did, we had six people show up (they were all related but hey…) out of the 6 people, Three of them made a move towards a relationship with God, two of them were believers and one of them had no desire in learning who the one true God is. He wanted to make up a God for himself that was ok with his immoral lifestyle. I was still able to share truth with him and it gave me confidence in trusting God to take care of the details. From that point on, Amanda and I knew that we were being called into the ministry full time. 


We have since upgraded both our truck and fifth wheel, and traveled over 50,000 miles sharing the Gospel of Jesus. We will continue traveling as long as the Lord continues to allow it.